062 - Blue Belt

In this episode, we take another dive into the incredible world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. BJJ has taken the martial arts world by storm, and there are no signs of it slowing down. So, what additional lessons has Kyle learned from BJJ in the last year? Let’s get into it…

Quick Resilience Boost suggested materials:

- www.google.com (FIND YOU A GYM TO TRAIN AT!)

- ATOS Online Academy

- Joe Rogan and Marcelo Garcia – Why We Train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Book Kyle to speak at your event: info@undaunted.life

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Free YouVersion Devotionals:

- A Man's Devotional

- An Undaunted Marriage

Follow the host Kyle Thompson:

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Intro/outro music:

Artist: August Burns Red

Track: King of Sorrow

Album: Phantom Anthem

Buy the Album HERE

Listen on Apple Music

Listen on Spotify


063 - The Devil and the SBC


061 - Toxic Masculinity, Part 2 - A Future