The program that equips men to


Embrace the mandate God gave you using our exclusive blueprint.

***The application for Team 002 is now closed.***

Applications for future teams open June 2025.

When you finish DOMINION,

Your Godly Manliness Goes Up.

Feel like you’re constantly missing the mark?

Wish that you had a bigger positive influence on others?

Do you have other men that you can depend on?

***The application for Team 002 is now closed.***

Applications for future teams open June 2025.

Join Kyle Thompson

Through his #1-ranked podcast for Christian men, live speaking, and personal coaching, Kyle has pushed men to forge spiritual, mental, and physical resilience. The DOMINION program is the culmination of over a decade of of dedication to getting men to level up.

Join Kyle as he personally equips you and men just like you to push back darkness.

***The application for Team 002 is now closed.***

Applications for future teams open June 2025.

Learn how to master the 6 Pillars of a DOMINION MAN